Sunday, December 9, 2007


Made an agenda for next semester
Listened to Phil's new song
Free flowed.
Tried writing a new song.
Almost there.
It was an average practice.
That's all I can say about that one.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


No practice today.
Phil wanted to meet babes.
Can't say we met anybody.
Should have had practice.
Got a small show tomorrow.
Don't want to play too many shows.
This will probably be the last of the semester.
We need to meet bitties.
Well just Phil and I.
Not Tom.

Monday, December 3, 2007


practice was very interesting today
it all opened up with a band discussion/ meal
good food, good friends, good music...

went back to our roots and free flowed a ton of new stuff
working on a new project

had a lot of laughs
wrote a lot of music
had a lot more laughs
it was good to see the boys all in good spirits
this reminds me of last year
when the wind was brutal
and the music flowed
and we were kings...

we're on our way

Sunday, December 2, 2007


No practice today.
Gilip has work to do.
Com didn't feel so well.
Today is what it is.
A Sunday.
Lets just hope that we dont.
Have a case of the Mondays.

Still no word on the date of the next show.
Hopefully it will be soon.
Lets not get deterred.
Yeah finals are coming up.
But we are rock n' roll 24/7

Someone else has to blog soon.